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The Office is situated on the 8th floor of the International Trade Center (ITC, German: IHZ) just across the street from the station Friedrichstrasse. The Building has entries on four sides (see arrows): Friedrichstrasse, Georgenstrasse, Dorotheenstrasse and Planckstrasse.

All entries are accessible up until 7 p.m. In case of an appointment after 7 p.m., please come to the entrance on Planckstrasse and call me, so I can open the door for you.

If you come by car, you will not be able to stop along Friedrichstrasse, but you will be able to find a parking place at the parking lot at the corner of Dorothenstrasse and Planckstrasse.

Peter Kraus, Attorney at law
Friedrichstrasse 95
D-10117 Berlin

Phone: + 49 (30) 20 67 98 53
Fax: + 49 (30) 20 91 17 43
Mobile: +49 (700) 57 28 77 83
or +49 (700) KRAUSRUF